EC Rider Fares and Passes

We make riding easy! Just purchase your pass and hop on board. Passes can be purchased at the EC Rider office or on board the buses from the driver. If purchasing a pass on board the bus, please make sure you have exact change.

WAVE Routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 30, 32, 33

Fares and Passes Price
Single Ride Fare $2.00
Single Reduced Ride $1.00
15 Day Pass $20.00
15 Day Reduced Pass $10.00
31 Day Pass $40.00
31 Day Reduced Pass $20.00
All Day Pass $4.00
All Day Reduced $2.00
Transfer FREE
Para Transit to Fixed Route $1.00

*Free Fixed Route Ride

*Thirty-one (31) day passes are valid for thirty-one (31) consecutive days (i.e. Monday – Sunday. Holidays and weekends are considered as consecutive days, although bus service may not be provided). The first day of the pass begins when the passenger first uses the pass and is valid for the next thirty-one (31) consecutive days. Please note, no refunds will be given for monthly passes. EC Rider is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged passes.

** Disabled riders are eligible for a Reduced Fare with a valid EC Rider Reduced Fare ID card. MEDICARE cards will also be accepted as proof of eligibility for Reduced Fare.

Express Fares & Passes

FWB & Crestview Connection

Fares and Passes Price
Single Express Ride Fare $3.00
Single Reduced Express Fare $2.00
31 Day Express Pass $50.00
31 Day Reduced Express Pass $25.00
Transfer Free


*Express Pass valid on all EXPRESS Routes. Please note, no refunds will be given for monthly passes. EC Rider is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged passes.